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Romantic Things to do in Hurghada

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Hurghada is such a beautiful place to visit for couples with plenty of romantic things to do during your time there. Our first ever adventure together was to Makadi Bay in Hurghada and it is one we’ve certainly never forgotten.

Whenever you hear about Egypt, most people worry that it will be unsafe. However, in our experience, Hurghada was a perfectly safe area of Egypt to visit. No matter what country you are visiting, there will always be areas that are unsafe or advised not to visit. One of the best tips for visiting Hurghada that we can give you is that it is really important to research your destination prior to your trip. It is also worth checking to see when is the best time to visit Hurghada for you. It is hot all year round but some months are cooler than others so you may prefer more comfortable temperatures.

We found the people were so friendly and we were not short for choice on things to do together as a couple. We visited near Christmas and was lucky enough to experience Hurghada in a unique way. We would recommend going around this time to avoid crowds and enjoy the festivities.

If you’re travelling to Hurghada with your partner then we have got plenty of things that you can do together as a couple and enjoy a romantic trip away. Hurghada is a perfect destination for couples and you will not be disappointed!

Amy and Liam enjoying their time In Hurghada with palm trees in the background.

Romantic Things to do in Hurghada as a Couple

Aside from being able to spend some quality time together on the hotel complex, there are plenty of romantic things to do in Hurghada itself.

Whilst you’re there, you don’t want to be spending all your time on the hotel complex even though it’s hard to leave. Hurghada has plenty of romantic things to offer for couples wanting to make memories together.

1. Paradise Island

Before visiting Hurghada, we had already heard about Paradise Island and knew that it was somewhere we wanted to visit. However, we weren’t sure if Paradise Island was worth all the fuss! After visiting, in our opinion, it is one of the most romantic places for couples to visit in Egypt.

This island is located in the Giftun islands and is also perfect for anyone wanting to get those insta-worthy snaps with their partner! There are so many awesome swings, sculptures, props and bars on this island. You will leave here with some amazing photos.

If taking photos is not really your thing them there are plenty of beanbags to cosy up to each other and enjoy the sun! It really is what it says on the tin!

One of the most romantic things to do whilst you're in Hurghada is take a day trip to Paradise beach. This image is taken of Amy and Liam sitting on one of the props on the island.

The island has a few restaurants and bars that you can enjoy whilst you’re there. Even though the beach isn’t very secluded, it still feels like you can enjoy some private time together.

Amy & Liam sitting in the middle of one of the love heart props that can be found on Paradise island.

If it’s your type of thing, you can also get to enjoy their Shisha corner too. True Egyptian style!

A day trip to Paradise Island is one of the most fun things to in Hurghada and one of the most beautiful places. We happily had a few drinks (maybe more than a few), enjoyed the sun and each other’s company. Perfect day trip from Hurghada for couple’s to enjoy together!


2. Orange Bay

If you think that you’ll enjoy Paradise Beach then why not head out to another one of the Giftun Islands; Orange Bay?

You will be able to enjoy the beautiful beach on the bay as well as snorkelling in the sea. There is plenty of marine life around the bay for you to marvel at under the water. It is easily one of the best day tours from Hurghada and we highly recommend visiting.

Liam sitting on a bright pink bean bag on Paradise Island.

This is a really relaxing day trip where you will get to spend lots of quality time with your partner appreciating the beauty around you. As Orange Bay is not as popular as Paradise Island, you will also find that it will be less busy.

If you’re feeling up to it, you can also arrange to have a massage whilst you’re on the beach and truly relax. Whilst Paradise Island is a great place to visit, we hugely recommend Orange Bay for couples looking to have some more quiet time!


3. Parasailing

What is more romantic than trying a new adrenaline filled adventure together?!

If you’re staying at Labranda Royal Makadi then you will have easy access to Makadi Bay beach to start your parasailing experience. There are plenty of different tour operators wandering around the beach to sell you tours. However, it is always worth keeping an eye out to ensure that it is a trusted tour company!

This wasn’t our first time parasailing but it was certainly one of the best. You just can’t compare flying over the Red Sea to anything else!

The tours are usually at a very reasonable price and will include you both parasailing at the same time. For us, this was one of the most romantic things to do in Makadi Bay.

Amy & Liam parasailing.

You will get to enjoy the quiet stillness in the air when you’re sailing above the sea. This is such an intimate moment for couples to spend together. When you’re up in the air, it will be just you two enjoying the views of Makadi Bay and Hurghada below.

We recommend either taking a GoPro with you on this tour or paying for a photo package so that you can remember this moment forever.

Read about our time parasailing in Makadi Bay here!


4. Diving

If you’re a couple that likes to tick off items on their bucket list then you NEED to go diving in the Red Sea. Diving in Hurghada is one of the best experiences that you can have together as a couple.

You will be able to enjoy different dive sites around the Giftun islands Some of these dive sites are suitable for divers of every level but due to strong currents, it is advisable to have a little bit of experience before embarking on this adventure.

View point of the sea and Paradise Island.

There are many different marine animals to enjoy around the Giftun islands including tuna, blue-spotted stingrays and turtles. If you’re lucky enough you may even spot some sharks lurking around too.

Another exciting reason for diving in Hurghada is that there are also many different wrecks for you to explore. The wrecks that are more local include El Mina which has a very interesting history that you should research before taking on this dive.

Whilst you’re diving the wreck, you will be able see glassfish, lionfish and jackfish. However, generally speaking, the wreck is quite free of marine life.

There are also many other wrecks for you to explore when diving near Hurghada. However, these take a little longer to get to, some of which taking up to 2-3 hours to arrive at the dive site.

Diving in Hurghada is one of the most romantic things to do together as you will get to treasure the memories of diving in the Red Sea. It is definitely an activity in Hurghada that you need to check off of your bucket list together!


5.  Private Quad Bike Tour

Going on a private quad bike tour is one of the best romantic things to do in Hurghada. This photo is taken of us both on quad bikes enjoying the private beach to ourselves.

One of the favourite things that we did whilst in Hurghada was take a private quad bike tour together. For anyone that has a partner that acts like a big kid then this is time to make their dream a reality!

Liam had the chance to be a big kid himself by going as fast he wanted on the quad bikes. We arranged the tour on the last day before we left Hurghada and it was the perfect way to end our couple getaway.

We got dressed up with headscarves prior to leaving for the tour to protect our faces from the sand. We recommend that if you’re driving the quad bike to also taking some sunglasses. Sand spraying in your face is no joke!

We were lucky enough to have our own private tour on the quad-bikes and the guide that took us was incredible. We ventured out to a private beach where we got to spend some time relaxing on our own.

Whilst we were at the beach, our guide also took many photos for us so that we can take these photo memories home with us. One of the things that we loved the most is that he also showed us the hermit crabs and fashioned Amy a seashell necklace too.

As we created framed collages of all our adventures abroad, we have actually still got the seashell necklace hanging on our collage in our house!

Liam holding one of the hermit crabs during our quad bike tour.

We set off again on the quad bikes to explore more of the desert and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Our guide was absolutely crazy riding on the quad bikes backwards so that he could take some videos for us! He was doing it for the gram!

We were taken up and down the sand dunes where Liam got to catch some air doing the small jumps. As you can imagine, Amy wasn’t too impressed being nearly buckarooed off the back a few times!

Liam riding a camel during the quad bike tour.

Next on the itinerary was to meet the sandpeople and see the camels. We enjoyed some traditional Egyptian tea with the locals and spoke to them about their lives. It was so interesting to hear them but we don’t want to give any spoilers for when you visit.

We both then rode the camels for a little while which is always an experience for anyone in Egypt. It was then time to head back to the hotel and enjoy the final leg of the quad biking desert tour.

Even if one of you is not really interested in riding a quad bike, this is still a really great experience to share together. It was one of the most romantic things to do in Hurghada as a couple because we got to enjoy a whole beach to ourselves. Also, riding in the desert was an experience to never forget!


6. Snorkelling Day Trip

Last but certainly not least, spend some more quality time together enjoying a day trip snorkelling in the Red Sea.

If you’re both not qualified divers yet then that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go and experience the marine life. You will be able to combine snorkelling with a lot of the Giftun Islands tours.

There are so many beautiful animals to see whilst you’re snorkelling in the sea. If you’re luck enough you will be able to see turtles, stingrays and maybe even some dolphins.

There are a lot of tours that offer you to go snorkelling with dolphins. Before booking, make sure that you check that these are ethically safe and that no animals are mistreated.

You will also be able to hire a catamaran so that you can enjoy as much or as little snorkelling as you like. These day trips are incredible and you will be able to arrange for a private experience together.

Boat in the sea with the Paradise Island sign in the background.


FREE Romantic Things to do in Hurghada as a Couple

Whilst you’re visiting Hurghada, you will want to spend some time exploring around the actual city itself together. Hurghada Old Town itself is stunning to wander around. Not everything has to be about booking tours, Hurghada has plenty of free things to do too.

1. Mosque El Mina Masjid

Also frequently known as the Heavenly Mosque, it is one of the most picturesque and famous mosques to see in Hurghada. The architecture of this mosque is absolutely phenomenal so it is no wonder why it is so famous!

Entrance to the mosque is free and open 24 hours a day for prayer.  However, it is only open to visitors between 09:00 – 17:00 so that there is no interruption to prayer.

There is a dress code to enter the mosque where women will need to cover their hair, keens and shoulders. It is mandatory to remove your shoes before entering the mosque. If you are not dressed appropriately then you will be able to borrow a dress before entering.

This is a beautiful building to celebrate faith, humanity and people so enjoy the experience together and learn more about the culture.

2. Snorkelling in the Red Sea

Whilst we’ve mentioned about the day trips that we experienced whilst we were in Hurghada to go snorkelling, you can also go yourself for free.

We recommend that if you decide to self-guide a snorkelling session then take necessary precautions. Research the area and if there are any corals or marine life that you should look to avoid.

Fish in the sea.

The Red Sea is one of the most incredible places to go snorkelling so if you don’t have it in your budget for a tour then make sure that you still don’t miss out!

3. Wander Down Hurghada Marina

If you enjoyed the Hurghada walking tour, you will also have had a chance to glimpse the marina. There is nothing more romantic than wandering down the marina hand-in-hand with your partner.

If you’ve already visited the marina during the day then why not head off during the night to see the boats lit up?

4. Hurghada Walking Tour

To make the most of your time in Hurghada, make sure that you take advantage of the free walking tour in the Old Town. You will get to experience many of the ancient ruins and learn more about the history behind them.

Liam in a jewellery store about to enjoy some shisha.

One of the best parts about this tour is that you will get to experience a more authentic side of Egypt. Speaking to and learning from the locals is one of the best ways to understand a location.

Alongside this, you will also be able to see some of the mosques in Hurghada and wander through the local markets.

It is definitely something that we recommend doing if it is your first time to Hurghada.

Book Your Free Tour of Hurghada Here!

5. Zeytuna Beach

Looking to relax together on a beautiful beach? Look no further than Zeytuna beach!

This is part of the El Gouna resort complex and has beautiful views of the crystal blue Red Sea. Spend the day relaxing together and enjoying each other’s company listening to the sounds of the waves.

The Best Hotel in Hurghada for Couples

When you’re planning a romantic vacation to Egypt, one of the most important things to consider is where you’re staying. For most people travelling to Egypt, they tend to stick to resorts and it is important to know which is the best hotel for you to stay in.

Safety in Hurghada

Two cocktails that we purchased on Paradise Beach where the straws are shaped like hearts.

One of the biggest concerns that most people have when visiting Egypt is whether they will be safe. Looking for a hotel in Hurghada, you want something that is romantic, fun, plenty of amenities and ultimately where you will feel safe.

Read our review of Is Hurghada Safe? here for our honest review.

Whilst we were in Hurghada, we stayed at the Labranda Royal Makadi Hotel and felt safe the entire time we were there. There was security at the doors of the hotel so that no one could just walk in. You had to be staying at the hotel and even when we did venture outside the hotel, we felt secure.

Why You NEED To Stay at Labranda Royal Makadi

Labranda Royal Makadi Hotel is easily the best hotel to stay whilst you’re in Hurghada. We were made to feel so welcome by all the staff and nothing was too much to ask.

We visited Hurghada just before Christmas and we are so glad that we did. It’s always a bonus when everyone at home is complaining about the cold weather and we’re sunning it up abroad!

The hotel was decorated beautifully with a huge Christmas tree in the middle of the lobby. Decorations were lined throughout the hotel and it was a magical experience walking through the lobby. It felt like something out of a Christmas movie!

This instantly set the romantic vibe throughout our trip to Hurghada because everything was so festive. We took some time to wander around the hotel and admire the effort that it took to dress up the hotel to make it feel like a dream.

Amy & LIam sharing a moment underneath the Christmas tree in Labranda Royal Makadi's lobby. Easily one of the best hotels to stay at in Hurghada.
Queen sized bed in Labranda Royal Makadi's rooms.

On the hotel complex, there were also a number of Christmas stalls where you could look for gifts / souvenirs. We had our eye on some beautiful artwork but we couldn’t arrange to get it back in time. We have agreed that one day we will return and bring it home!

We can’t go without mentioning how amazing the rooms are in this hotel too! We had a massive queen-size bed where everyday we would find rose petals and a swan made out of our towels. The bathrooms were large and luxurious too that there was plenty of space. Complete with our own balcony, we had our own private space when we wanted to escape the outside world!

Food at Labranda Royal Makadi Hotel

Whilst you’re in Hurghada, if you’re looking to enjoy a romantic dinner then this is the right place to go. With all the beautiful decorations around the hotel, we loved being able to eat our meal and enjoy the scenery.

Labranda Royal Makadi is an all-inclusive hotel so you will be able to enjoy eating as much or as little as you want whilst you’re there. If you’re truly having a romantic break away then you will also want to take advantage of some of the incredible cocktail creations too! There’s nothing better than enjoying a cocktail in the sun with your partner by your side.

Amy & Liam enjoying a romantic dinner at Labranda Royal Makadi hotel

As it was all-inclusive, there were plenty of different choices for food whether you are a meat-eater or a vegetarian. We really enjoyed trying the different deserts each night and seeing how they carved the fruit into different shapes too.

Not sure all-inclusive is for you? Read our guide on the pros and cons of all-inclusive hotels here.

Why Labranda Royal Makada is the BEST Romantic Hotel in Hurghada for Couples

If that wasn’t enough to convince you that it is easily the best hotel to stay in Hurghada then surely this will…

The hotel is also located right on the beach of Makadi Bay so you are able to just wake up and walk to the beach. It take a couple of minutes before you are on the sand.

One of the things that we enjoyed the most about this hotel was that in the evening we could take a romantic stroll down the beach. The area is so intimate that you will be able to enjoy some relaxing evenings walking down the beach together.

Beach outside Labranda Royal Makadi Hotel with a sign that says 'I Love Labranda'

There is also a pool table located in the lobby of the hotel which we enjoyed spending time playing. As a couple, playing pool is one of our favourite things to do so that we can spend time together so this was perfect.

Amy & Liam both got tattoos done whilst they were staying in Hurghada. This image shows them holding hands with their new matching tattoos visible and the christmas tree in the background.

When we went to Hurghada, we wanted to have a relaxing break and enjoy some quality time together. We came back from Hurghada with not just memories but some mementos too.

One evening whilst we were playing pool, Amy snuck off and got a chain engraved for Liam with their names in hieroglyphics too. We also got tattoos at their on-site tattoo parlour. It was certainly a trip that we will NEVER forget.

Hurghada – A Destination For Couples

It is a really beautiful place to visit with plenty of things to do in and near Hurghada itself. We really enjoyed our romantic break away to Hurghada and we hope that you do too. Without a doubt, Hurghada is a destination for couples. Makadi Bay in particular was an absolute gem in our opinion and we can’t wait to go back and visit again one day.

Amy & Liam with their headscarves before setting off for their quad bike tour.

Whilst you’re exploring Hurghada, make sure that you take part in plenty of activities especially where you can enjoy the Red Sea!

We could go on forever as to all the reasons why Hurghada is the best place for couples to visit but you will just have to experience it for yourself!

Hurghada Resources

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Hurghada FAQs

Where is Hurghada?

Hurghada was originally a small fishing village but over time it has become a popular location for tourists. It is central of East Egypt and also has it’s own airport that you can fly into.

When is the Best Time to Visit Hurghada?

It completely depends on what you’re looking for from the holiday / trip. Looking at the cost of flights, weather and the busiest tourist seasons, May is actually the best time to visit Hurghada. This way you will be able to avoid the hustle and bustle.

In our opinion, we actually loved visiting during December as Hurghada was festive and we got to see a different side to Egypt.

Read our guide on The Best Time to Visit Hurghada Here!

How long should you stay in Hurghada?

If you’re wanting to take part in as many activities as possible then a week is plenty of time. You will be able to relax and enjoy lots of activities during this time.

Alternatively, if you’re backpacking and just want to hit up the main sights then we would recommend 4-5 days. That is unless you’re planning to do some diving!

Is Hurghada too touristy?

This will completely depend on what time of year you visit. There are some parts of Hurghada that are very touristy such as El Gouna. However, you will be able to experience much more authenticity within Hurghada’s Old Town itself.

Why is Hurghada so popular?

If you’ve read the rest of our post above then you will know that there are plenty of exciting things to do in Hurghada. It is a beautiful destination to visit and a great area to go diving in the Red Sea too. Another reason why it is so popular is that most tourists feel safe whilst they’re visiting.

Can you visit the pyramids from Hurghada?

Absolutely! Hurghada is actually one of the best places to visit the pyramids as they’re a lot closer than they are in Sharm el Sheikh. This leads us perfect onto our next FAQ…

What is better Hurghada or Sharm el Sheikh?

This will completely depend on the kind of trip that you’re hoping to have when you visit Egypt.

If you’re planning on visiting the pyramids then they are actually closer to Hurghada than they are to Sharm el Sheikh. We know, it surprised us too!
Sharm el Sheikh is the best place to visit to enjoy diving as there are a lot more sites close by than there is to Hurghada.

Both locations are great to spend a relaxing holiday together as a couple. However, like any location, there are some places in each that are better for relaxing than others. In Hurghada if you’re looking for more relaxation then we would suggest Makadi Bay!

Read more on Hurghada vs. Sharm el Sheikh here!

Can you Jetski in Hurghada Egypt?

You used to be able to jet ski in Hurghada but this has changed since 2022. When we last visited, we rented jet skis ourselves and had a brilliant time.

However, due to the increase of accidents from jet skis, the Egyptian government has decided to ban jet skis in Hurghada for the safety of tourists and locals.

Can you wear shorts in Hurghada?

For most areas of Hurghada, you will be absolutely fine to wear shorts. A lot of the areas in Hurghada are familiar with tourists so they are much more open.

If you’re planning to visit the market area in Hurghada then you may want to dress up a little more. If in doubt, especially for females then pack a wrap around scarf in your day pack. This way if you feel that you need to, you will easily be able to cover up.

Remember that visiting any mosques, you will need to be mostly covered up to show your respect.

Where is Makadi Bay?

In our opinion, this is the best area of Hurghada that you can visit. It is a resort town that can be found around 20 miles away from Hurghada.

You will be surrounded by desert, a mountain range and beautiful white sandy beaches!

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